Mental Wellness
Maintain Your Mental Health
Topic of the Month
Sadness vs. Depression
Life is tough. Dealing with disappointments, setbacks, and loss leads to sadness. It is natural and normal to feel sadness from time to time. The key is to identify when you are feeling stuck in a cycle of sadness and prevent crossing into the territory of depression.
It is important to learn how to handle sadness and not get stuck:
Know your triggers
Recognize warning signs
Reach out to someone for support
Sadness vs. Depression
Coping with DEPRESSION
Monitor your mood!!!
Here are a few of my favorite coping skills:
Take a walk
Have lunch with a friend
Watch a funny movie
Take a bubble bath
**Talk to someone if you feel that your depression is getting out of your control. Do not be afraid to reach out.**
***Reach out to us on the contact us tab if you need prayer, encouragement, or support.***
****If you are in a CRISIS or want to talk to someone, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline